hey badass mama

Your Birth Experience

It's Time to LEVEL UP

Are you ready to gain the knowledge and confidence needed to have an informed and autonomous birth experience?!

Are you ready to go from scared to birth to totally excited?

you're in the right place

Biases & FEar

EDucation& options

PLanning & Support

After all of the education and mindset stuff, WE PLAN! Learn to write a birth and postpartum plan that your birth team will respect and uphold!

This course teaches you every option, intervention, procedure and tool to help you make decisions from an informed place!

Let's identify and work through your biases and fears towards birth together so you can get HYPE for the birth coming your way!

No matter if you're a brand new mom, experienced mom, having a homebirth or a hospital birth...

This is for you!

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Learn how to shift your mindset and how you perceive pain

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Learn how to advocate for yourself & develop your personal autonomy

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Learn all about why the system is the way it is and how to make it benefit you

Imagine being able to...

Create a dream team of people who know exactly how to support you

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Set yourself up for a calm and fulfilling postpartum period

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Make decisions about your pregnancy and birth from a confident place instead of fear

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If I can go from "I am terrified of birth, give me a Cesarean" to "OMG I want to do that again" so can you!

Inside "TAke control of your birth" I teach you everything!

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xoxo erin

have we met yet?

I'm Erin, your birth BFF

Mother of 3, Certified Birth Educator, Doula + Self Proclaimed Birth Nerd

I'm obsessed with helping moms like you avoid trauma and have birth stories that you LOVE to tell!

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by the end of the course you will be able to

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Choose a provider, birthing location and support team with confidence & ease

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Fully understand physiological birth and the hormonal dance that takes place to bring your baby earthside

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Release the fear and tension you feel surrounding your birth and prevent unwanted outcomes

enroll now

all the tools you need to get your dream Birth experience:

choose your investment option below

whats included:

course title here

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LIFETIME ACCESS To 9 Self-Paced Modules

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47 bite sized video lessons (no more than 18 mins each)

PDF Guides + Worksheets to guide your experience

2 ✨BONUS✨Modules on Nutrition + Breastfeeding

Printable Birth & Postpartum Affirmation Cards

Birth Plan Templates for All Birthing Locations

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pay over 3 months

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HEre's an inside look at all the modules💃🏻

Module One

Foundational Birth Prep

  1. What’s Your Why? Building Your Birth Vision
  2. Foundation of Birth Mindset
  3. The Design of Physiological Birth

Module TWO

Decision Making: Where Evidence Meets Intuition

  1. The Birth of Modern Obstetrics
  2. Understanding Your Birth Biases
  3. The Illusion Of Safety
  4. The Three Decisions That Shape Everything
  5. The Process of Making Informed Decisions

Module THREE

Autonomy: Taking Full Ownership Over Your Birth

  1. Develop Your Personal Autonomy
  2. What is Radical Responsibility?
  3. What’s Allowed vs Your Legal Rights
  4. Advocating For Yourself

Module FOUR

Options & Interventions: The Decision Making Blueprint for Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum

  1. Prenatal Tests & Uncommon Pregnancy Complications
  2. Navigating Your Labor & Postpartum Options
  3. Your General Labor Options
  4. Variations of Normal
  5. Induction and Augmentation Options
  6. Comfort Measures and Medical Pain Relief Options
  7. The Second Stage: Pushing Options
  8. The Third Stage: Immediate Postpartum Options
  9. Newborn Tests & Procedures
  10. Cesarean Section Options
  11. Uncommon Labor Complications

Module five

Support: Building a Support Team Around Your Specific Preferences

  1. Creating Your Dream Team
  2. Setting Up Support For Postpartum
  3. BONUS: For Partners: How to Support Her

Module six

Module SIX

Mindset & Pain: Beyond The Basic Coping Strategies

  1. Living Mindfully in Preparation for Birth
  2. The Four Meditations For Birth
  3. Pain Coping Practice Methods
  4. Intentional Pain Coping Sessions

Module SEVEN

Fear: The Proven Process To Release Fear & Cultivate Trust

  1. Breaking Down Your Birth Fears
  2. Preventing Unwanted Outcomes
  3. Sharing Your Fears Out Loud
  4. Integrating Your Birth Fears

Module EIGHT

Postpartum: The Key to A Calm Postpartum

  1. The Foundation of A Calm Postpartum
  2. Meeting Your Newborn's Needs
  3. The Holistic Pathway to Healing the Body
  4. Postpartum Support Planning
  5. The Mother-Baby Dyad

Module NINE

Birth Plan: Communicating Your Desires Effectively

  1. Embracing The Unknown
  2. Communicating Your Desires Effectively
  3. Writing the Perfect Birth Plan

✨BONUS Module ✨

Nutrition: Eating For A Better Pregnancy, Birth, & Postpartum

  1. Supporting a Healthy Pregnancy
  2. Fueling Your Body For Birth
  3. Healing in the Fourth Trimester


Breastfeeding Foundation for A Successful Start

  1. Breastfeeding 101
  2. Hunger Cues & Milk Supply

i want in on this

still have questions?

IS this course only for women wanting a homebirth?

NOPE! This course will help you, no matter where you're planning to give birth. It's always important to know what happens in each birth location because plans can change, transfers happen and you want to be fully informed!

Will this course help me even if I want an Epidural?

YES! It's always important to know your options, do the mindset work and have the skills to cope with the intensity of labor just in case the epidural doesn't work or you don't have time to get one.

Will This course benefit me if i've already had a baby?

YES YES YES! You can never prepare too much. This course could be just the refresher you need to have an amazing birth experience the second time around.

How long will it take me to complete?

That's totally up to you! I've had students binge the course in a few days or spread it out over a couple weeks!

If I have a doula, do I still need this course?

YES! Doula's are amazing but you should no rely soley on them for your education! This course helps you tell your support people exactly what you need from them.

How is this different from the free classes in my town or hospital?

Hospital Classes are fantastic for teaching you their policies and what is protocol for births there but they don't teach you everything. I think its a great idea to take a class at your birthing location BUT ALSO take one seperate so you get the whole picture of what options you really have. This course also teaches you techniques and coping skills that hospital courses do not.

IS this class for my partner too?

Absolutely! There is a section specific for them in "Support" module but they can totally work through the course alongside of you. This would make sure that you're both on the same page going into your birth!

What is the refund policy?

Make sure you get inside and truly dive into the modules, I know you'll love it but if you don't for whatever reason, I offer a full refund within 7 days of purchase!

WHen should I enroll?

Whenever you feel ready to begin learning and preparing for your birth! I do recommend starting no later than 34 weeks though to give yourself a solid 6 weeks to work through all of the modules. You will get LIFETIME access so enrolling anytime in the first trimester is great too!

Still have questions?? Shoot me an email mothernakedbirth@gmail.com




see you inside Take control of your birth!

erin xoxo

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